Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quick update

Yay!! The hubby is home!!

I know it's been forever since my last post! I've been dealing with a fair amount of life stuff that's taken me away from the blog. There have been lots of good things (the husband coming home from 5 months in Hong Kong ;) and some challenging things (finding out I'm having a fourth surgery soon).  But I'll be back on the bandwagon soon!
My diet has changed too so the recipes you'll see coming up will be a little different. Through some skin testing, I've found out that chicken and corn are being added to the list of caffeine, sugar, dairy & gluten intolerance. It was overwhelming at first but it's been really great to feel a bit better!! My husband is incredibly supportive as are my friends. Speaking of friends... I'm going to have a few posts about my friends coming up because I'm lucky to have amazing friends who cook gf meals for me! They have mastered adapting recipes when they don't have to and for that they deserve a post ;) They're not only amazing at being friends, they're amazing in the kitchen! I'm a lucky lady with great people in my life.
Until then!
;) April

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